2021 Bonfire Apparel Campaign - Thank You for the support!

Each year, it has become a bit of a tradition, Tut’Zanni has a Bonfire fundraiser where we sell apparel with a special new design to raise money for upcoming projects. We are very excited to announce that this year’s campaign was a huge success - meeting our goal of raising $500 (almost doubling it) and selling at least 50 items!

For this year’s design, we were inspired by all the Zoom calls we have been on together. From birthdays to holidays, to work-from-home meetings and friendly happy hours, we were pretty sure that everyone has been finding out about the different Zoom Types.

In Commedia, there are archetypes that help us create characters. Well, on Zoom, there are Zoom Types that make each and every Zoom call a new adventure. You’ll see us post about those different Zoom types on our social channels.

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The proceeds from this fundraiser will go to help Tut’Zanni launch what we have been cooking up:

  • A Digital Education Package. Schools can pay a small fee and we provide access to 2 digital lessons on the history of commedia and an intro to masked theatre for your students. If you want more… Hire us!

  • Digital Top Rung. You heard it here first... we are currently adapting Top Rung so that it will happen via Zoom. Get ready for your orientation to WFH (working from home) for the infamous CorpCarp.

  • Bits and Pieces & Tik Tok. You heard right, we are getting down with the new generation. We recently launched a Tik Tok to house our new endeavor, Bits & Pieces. Check out these lil shorts where the Tut’Z get to play new and favorite characters in ridiculous digital circumstances. 

  • Don’t Save the Princess! is new and improved and has animations that will send you into a nostalgic fit. What happens when programming meets people? - wait, are we already living it?

  • A (sort of) Cinderella Story is ready to get back in front of young people. With all the characters you recognize, but a story that is full of surprises, see this version of Cinderella that leaves you wanting to be a strong independent lady. 

We wanted to finish out this successful campaign by thanking each and every person who purchased an item of clothing, made a donation, shared information about the campaign with friends or sent along well wishes to our team as the campaign was in motion.

Your generosity keeps Tut’Zanni moving forward.
We appreciate each and every one of you.


- Dory, ALi, Patrick, Liam, Molly & Allegra