Announcing: A Digital Commedia dell'Arte Introductory Class


Tut’Zanni has been cooking up something exciting.

For the past year, we as a company have been thinking a lot about Commedia dell’Arte and education. We have been talking to education colleagues about how Commedia is taught and what we at Tut’Zanni might be able to do to support broader inclusion of Commedia in theater classrooms across the country.

So, in response we are excited to announce - A Digital Commedia dell’Arte Introductory Class!

We know that bringing in a Commedia practitioner to teach and talk about the form is expensive and sometimes impractical. So we have put together a video lesson with a companion lesson plan to allow any teacher to integrate Commedia into their classroom.

For an affordable price ($25) we will send along the collected resource package to teachers, which will have:

  1. A single video that you can play for a 45 minute class that covers all the basics.

  2. A companion lesson plan with engaging discussions and activities to integrate around the video, allowing teachers to teach an interactive lesson alongside the video.

Our goal with this project is to give teachers the resources, outside of a textbook, to bring Commedia to life for their students. We are hoping this will empower teachers to integrate contemporary Commedia into their teaching. And, of course, if after those lessons a teacher wants us to come teach, we would love to talk about it!

- Patrick